We offer several delivery options such as grouping parcels or insuring your parcels during shipment.
Shipping costs vary depending on the size of your parcel, its destination and the carrier. Thanks to this multitude of carriers, we can offer you different shipping rates and delivery times depending on your budget. We propose several carriers to ensure that your delivery is tailored to your needs. We will forward your order to you wherever you are! ColisExpat ships to over 250 destinations. If this is not the case, don't worry, ColisExpat will receive your parcels in one of our 6 addresses (Germany, France, United Kingdom, United States, Spain and Italy). On the condition that these sites ship to your country. ColisExpat receives your purchases in Europe and forwards them anywhere in the World.Į-commerce is a booming market that has greatly facilitated the lives of consumers by allowing them to order online and have everything or almost delivered directly to their homes.