“At the time, I was completely indifferent between the two of them, so I had absolutely no investment in the winner. Going into the final Tribal Council, Orlins felt confident she knew how everyone else was voting - “Ozzy, James, and Erik would be voting for Amanda to win” and “Jason, Alexis, Natalie, and Cirie would be voting for Parvati.” She figured since she really didn’t care one way or the other, maybe it would be fun to force a tie. That meant we ended up with an eight-person jury and a final 2, creating the potential for a deadlocked jury, something that had never been possible before and has never been since (considering Laurel became a de facto jury member in Ghost Island),” said Orlins.
“All of us were shocked that there was a final 2 instead of a final 3, no one more so than poor Cirie (I love her!), who would have basically swept the jury had she made it to the end. Orlins recalled that the entire “Micronesia” cast was really surprised there was a final two instead of a final three because a final three had been used for several seasons prior to “Micronesia,” plus it left the possibility of a tie wide open. In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, two-time Survivor castaway Eliza Orlins revealed that during her second season, “Micronesia,” she really wanted to force a tie between the final two of Amanda Kimmel and Parvati Shallow.